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The Roadmap to Marketing Success for Your Business

Clear Messaging. Smart Strategies. Consistent Execution. Remarkable Results.

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Word-Of-Mouth is No Longer Enough to Attract New Clients

Prior to March of 2020, local businesses could rely on in-person networking, handshakes, and local word of mouth to attract new clients. But Covid changed that game forever.

  • 96% of transactions now begin online
  • Shoppers are 57% of the way through the buying process before they ever talk to a sales rep

Being great at digital marketing is no longer optional for our local businesses, so I help them transfer the relationship-building process from the store to the internet so they're not left behind.

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Take Control of Your Future with a Proven Roadmap to Digital Marketing Success

Even When The Purchase Happens In a Store, The Search Starts Online

Brand Message Guide

Clients don't buy your product until they buy your message. Don't confuse or you'll lose. You need a Brand Message Guide to ensure you have a clear message to attract and engage clients.

Marketing Action Plan

Sequence matters when it comes to your marketing. If you don't put first things first, you'll be burning cash, wasting time, and spinning your wheels. A smart Marketing Action Plan will get you traction.

Implementation & Support

There is no silver bullet in marketing. To get a return on your marketing investment, you must combine smart strategies with consistent execution over time. Implementation is key to success.

It's Time to Unleash Your Brand's Full Potential

I get it. I'm a business owner, too. I value word-of-mouth, but being known, liked, and trusted by your local community is no longer enough for your business to grow and thrive in a post-Covid world. You must transfer that reputation online to realize your brand's full potential. I know it's hard, and you shouldn't have to do it alone.
That's why I've dedicated my career to helping local business owners. Working as a Fractional CMO, I blend the magic of StoryBrand with proven frameworks from DigitalMarketer to help local businesses attract their ideal clients and turn them into raving fans for life.
Grab a spot on my calendar

Let's Get Your Marketing Working for You

Schedule a free 20-minute discovery call with me.
We'll get you on a proven path to digital marketing success.
Market your business with confidence and watch it grow.
Yes, I need this!

"One of the best"

"As a client and vendor partner, I can say that you are one of the best marketing executives I've ever worked with. Your path should inspire women who wish to be successful in a male-dominated industry and men who want to understand what working with a pro who commands respect and is amazing at her craft can do for the bottom line."
Guy Williams, Precor

"The best decision I ever made"

"As a business owner, I am constantly bombarded by marketing opportunities, and I’ve had some hits and misses. But the best decision I ever made was consulting with Laura. She completely transformed the way I talk about my business and communicate with potential clients. My only regret is waiting so long to enlist her expertise!"
- Joshua Massingill, PLLC

"Laura was a master"

"Hire Laura!!! You'll be sorry if you pass her up and go with someone else. Laura was a master at getting the right brand messaging out of us. Others like to come up with their ideas for what you could be doing. Laura was spot on in helping us properly describe and explain who we already are and what we are already providing. Very satisfied."
- Jeffrey Palermo, Clear Measure

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6 Ways to Leverage Your Most Important Salesperson: Your Website!

You work too hard to earn website traffic to watch it bounce. Download this free guide today!

"After what we went through in 2020, every local business owner deserves to have these homepage design strategies in their back pocket. Download this PDF now to improve your website today!"
- Laura Capes Terry, Author

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Transform your homepage from a money pit into your best sales rep! 

Most websites try to do and say it all to get a visitor to engage. But the power to convert a view into a click comes from simplicity and clarity. 

So I've created this easy-to-follow guide to help you simplify and clarify your homepage messaging so you can convert more website traffic into paying customers. Why? Because you work too hard to get traffic to your website to watch it bounce.

After reading this PDF, you'll walk away with simple tweaks you can make to your homepage design today to instantly improve your website's conversion rate. Enjoy!

Let's Get Your Marketing Working for You

When you work with me, you will get a proven process for growing your business.