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Bring it on, 2022!

#2021review #2022 Jan 01, 2022
No doubt... 2021 was a beast. But like many of us, I used it to get stronger and smarter.
For me, I used 2021 to immerse myself as a student of post-Covid digital marketing strategies. I went back to my "roots" as a marketing consultant and CMO for small, local businesses to rebrand and sharpen my saw. And I built an arsenal of post-Covid client success stories.
Now, I'm ready for 2022.
Now, I'm confident and equipped to help our local businesses survive and thrive in the complex world of digital marketing.
Now, BeLocal (Greater Cedar Park) is just one of the tools in my toolbox to help our local businesses connect to their ideal clients so they can survive and thrive in a post-covid world.
Now, as a StoryBrand Certified Guide and Certified Partner for DigitalMarketer, I can act as a full-service boutique marketing agency... building killer websites, running powerful SEO & SEM campaigns, building attention-grabbing lead magnets, and building state-of-the-art (StoryBranded) email nurture campaigns and sales funnels.
Bring it on, 2022. I'm ready for you... so are my clients.
Thank you to Brittany Horn for being my beacon of light in 2021, to Lauri Zachry Truong for being my right arm, to April Aguren for being a great friend, to Donald Miller and the folks at StoryBrand for teaching me state-of-the-art messaging strategies, and to Mark de Grasse and the folks at DigitalMarketer for equipping me with state-of-the-art digital marketing strategies to help my clients succeed in a post-Covid world.
One of the things 2021 taught me is no matter how hard we work, the target will keep moving... so then, so will I.
For you business owners out there... I have a couple of great FREE resources that I can share with you to help ROCK your marketing in 2022:
1) 6 tips to makeover your home page so you can attract and engage more of your ideal clients. Why? Because you work too hard to drive traffic to your website just to watch it bounce because people are confused by your message.
2) 12 secrets to great ad design so you can get noticed and make an impact with your ad. Why? Because advertising only works when your message is relevant, clear, and resonates emotionally with your ideal client.
Email me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to send you these free resources.
To our local business owners: I'm rooting for each of you! Cheers to your success in 2022!

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