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Have you invested in marketing that isn't getting a return?

#marketingplansmadesmarter #storybrand #storybrandlivestream #storybrandmarketingworkshop #vipcoaching Aug 11, 2021
Laura Capes Terry Coaches at StoryBrand Marketing Livestream

Have you invested in marketing that isn’t getting a return?

  • Are you guessing at what the next best step for marketing your business should be?
  • Is your website not converting enough leads?
  • Do you often stare at your social media feeds wondering what to write?
  • Do you have a system for creating marketing materials for your business that saves you time and money?

If you are struggling with any of these things, a StoryBrand Marketing Workshop is just what you need!


Join Laura Capes Terry, a StoryBrand Marketing Guide since 2019, as she coaches a small VIP group of 4-6 local business owners through the StoryBrand Marketing LIVESTREAM led by Donald Miller on September 20-21, 2021 where you'll create a clear message and 5-part marketing plan for your business.

After the event, you'll walk away with...

  • A marketing message that unites your team and attracts your ideal clients to engage with your brand
  • An elevator pitch you can use in meetings, at parties, or on sales calls that makes people say, "Wow! Can I have your business card?"
  • A website wireframe and sales funnel that will help you capture new leads and turn them into customers for life
  • A marketing plan that works

The biggest benefit you'll get from attending this workshop with VIP coaching from Laura is…

  • Confidence that you're doing it right

The StoryBrand Marketing LIVESTREAM is open to the public and anyone can register using this link:

Prior to COVID, this event cost $2995 per person and required a trip to Nashville. But now you can attend from the comfort and convenience of your own home for only $995. Here is the link again to register just for the LIVESTREAM:


For those that want a local, in-person, VIP experience of the livestream, Laura Capes Terry (StoryBrand Certified Marketing Guide for 3 years) is offering VIP coaching before, during, and after the 2-day livestream to ensure you walk away with assets in hand that are ready to implement so you can grow your business with confidence.

**VIP Coaching is limited. Only 4-6 local business owners here in Georgetown will be approved. Applications must be submitted for approval. Email for details.**

Interested parties must apply and will be hand-selected by Laura to optimize the group dynamic. The VIP event will be held in the boardroom at the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce from September 20-22.

For pricing and application details, please email

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